Wednesday, September 19, 2007

you've got the face on.

I'm damn bored now because I have just finished my work. Amazing eh? Hahaha seems like I'm really a CHANGED girl this semester. I'm not anymore late for classes, I'm super quiet and demure in class, I'm anti-social in class, I don't approach people in class, shitttttt. All I do is face my laptop the whole day, laugh to my laptop like an idiot and listen to music.

My class is seriously quiet, its like I wonder why GOD give us mouth ah. Its even quieter than the library lar. But everyone is trying to open up, I myself too. I guess I'm just bad at approaching people, hehehe.

I still hate the toilets in W2 because I just went to the wrong toilet again -.- Turbun la RP.

So POL-ITE is just like in 26 days time and... I'm eggcited for it nyer. Ok la I really am free now so if any of you are reading this, please be a good samaritan for the day and come talk to me. I'm free like carefree, nyahahaha.

Okay for now I shall go surf my all time favourite Perez Hilton and do some blog-shopping .



Blogger ClassJ2P said...

Talking 'bout "quiet"..u did seem to be a different person the last time I saw you at Pesta! Mare n I agreed that u seemed more "matured" now..not so jumpy and laughing so much aredy..

Oh dear..dun tell me you gonna join the "old club" so soon?muahahahaha! Ok lame....;p


PS: Ok, I dun have other blogspot addies 'cept fer my class one! very dumb la but then again, can't use my own blog wat..hmmm..

11:29 AM  

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