Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nothing lasts forever.

Before I start complaining about how boring my holidays are, don't you think that human beings always take things for granted? First, we all love to complain and grumble over the slightest thing. Then we tend to regret after losing that particular thing. There's this phrase from a song I kind of like : "You don't know what you've got until it's gone".
It's kind of meaningful to me.

So, coming back about the holidays part. I really had nothing to do the whole day, so I just spent my whole afternoon sleeping. The chillin' out part at night with the girls was nice, we went to Macs again this time. Wooohooo and I saw someone. Hehehehe, the boys were being sucha bitchzxzxzx turtlely. Some overdued pictures.
For now, back to L word.

Caution : Image content heavy.

1st day of POL-ITE : RP VS ITE.

Some pictures before a game I can't remember against who. Look at the funny faces. HAHAHA

Faces. Check out Ruyi's auntie pose. HAHAHAHAHAHA thats soooo her. Classic lah.

Wah, everyone take photo like as though we won the Championships already. HAHAHA

4th day : RP VS SP

A must have before every game : Doll up session like dim sum dolly. Hehehzxzxxz

5th day : RP VS NP

Last team-talk before POL-ITE ends.

Next up, RP's loyal supporters. Aiyoh Shannon ah, stop PSP-ing already lah! Hahahaha



Omg, I took at least an hour to upload these photos! nehneh, kkk back to L word now. Buaixzxxzzxz!


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