Monday, November 19, 2007


Death, is something all of us human beings have to go through one day. Death, is actually my greatest fear. I think I'm more afraid to die than being afraid of Milo. HAHA, no I shall take back my words. Seriously I'm not ready to die yet, I can't understand why must people end their lives. Like jumping down from a 22nd storey HDB building? Might as well do bungee jumping lah ! Or slit their wrists? Or even go get knocked down by some speeding cars.

Like what Duck & I have talked about, I wonder who will attend my funeral when I die?Duck told me she will. Hahaha. Who's gonna sing Beyonce's Irreplaceable for me when I die, Lim Karmun? HAHAHA. I want my funeral to be a happy one, I would love pretty and colorful balloons to be hung around. I don't want any wreaths thank you. And of course, I want pop & R&B songs, not those churchy sad emo songs. I want to die happily, not so sad like smurf.

Eh, why am I talking as though I'm gonna die soon?

The past weekend was rather taxing. I was working my ass off at B&J. Working with Aisha was really cool. Funny things happened, like how she keeps farting?!?! And me burping with customers around. Maybe it should be called Aisha&Sheryl, A&S instead of B&J. Hahaha. Oh, then there came the oh-so-heavy rain which got the shop flooded!
Damn, the rainwater kept coming into the shop. Aisha&I had to use all the mops/brooms/anythingthatcankeeptherainoff just to get the rainwater off. The wind was so strong that it even blew Aisha's cap away, and the flower pots even fell! Whoa. What a sunday. There we were like some aunties trying to clear up the horrendous mess the rain gave us .

Today morning while I was about to leave home, I realised that my EZ-link card was missing. I literally searched high&low for that damn card which totally spoiled my morning. Even $4 wasn't sufficient for my bus fares. Damn, I had to walk to school because I was left with no more coins to take bus. Walan SBS lately so expensive sial? And I still can't understand why Poly students have to pay adults fare while JC students still get to pay children's fare. Life is always unfair!

And when I reached class, I found out that RP has blocked MSN. Waaaah how can anyone in RP survive w/o MSN? Thank god they have enabled MSN already. I am supposed to be doing work now, shit! Another hour more and no work done. KTHXBYE.


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