Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hanging by a moment.

Its 1210am now, I'm supposed to be studying or rather glancing through my 6Ps for the Computing&Maths UT tmr. However, I feel that whether I study or not doesn't make any difference.
I just saw my UT grade for UT 1. 6/34 and I got a C, hahahaha seriously like WTH?? Its like, who cares about Computing?? Like what can the Machines/Lightnings help me in life?? I really don't know, maybe God can help you answer this question.

Lately, I've been chased by some bloody creatures!! First Milo nearly bit me, he was just a metre away from me can!! OMG I swear I was freaking scared like a dog, I screamt like as though I just got raped like that. HAHAHA I hate Milo and will never drink Milo again. HAHAHA okay I was just kidding about not drinking Milo part.

Nvm after training just now, I was chased by a lizard this time! All thanks to Debbie Poh ah, hahaha. Wow and again, I screamed like a bloody bimbo. Hahahah and while walking to the bus-stop, a cockcroach suddenly crawled across me when I was walking! ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGG, I don't know what's up with the animals and me lately. I really hate those animals, oops.

I'm so tired of school that I'm just doing nothing the whole day but MSN/surf net/look for nice tattos/talkcocksingsongplaymahjong in class. Wah, I'm on my right path to success man. I'm kind of having a post-PMS syndrome like what Duck has told me, Ireallydontknowwhy. Askgodandhewilltellyouwhy.
The pimples breakout is killing me ! It's making my face look like as though I got some disease or something.

WAHWAHWAH, its 1220am already. Kthxbye, BYE MONDAY BLUES!


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