Thursday, November 15, 2007


In life, everyone will tend to have expectations for ourselves. Some of us tend to have such high expectations of ourselves that if we do not make it, we get so upset and affected about it. Maybe I don't set high expectations for myself, I'm just contented with what I have. Having too high expectations at times might have pros & cons?

Just like how my classmates were talking about their UT grades in class, and to my surprise, they are not even satisfied with a B. There are 2 types of students in RP, one is the bo-chap kind, and the other will be the super hardworking ones. I totally belong to the first category la like duh. Maybe I just need to buck up, I feel too satisfied with my grades even with a C+?? Like wth, this is bad.

Talking about school, I'm rather proud of myself lately. I know you guys will be too! Hahaha for the 2nd time, I reached school at 8am? I only make it a point to go to school early on UT days, but on non-UT days, wow. I'm like turtlely late. See, the difference between an A student and a C student. Ha.

And lately, I think I have been talking way tooo much which is so unlike me. I'm quite a different person in my current class, I'm as quiet as the graves man. Like I'm totally immersed into my own world, what I do in class everyday is sit&stare at my laptop. But in trainings, uh huhhhhhhh, that's when I open up too much. Hahah training has been rather dead for the past few days. What's happening man peopleeeeee, maybe it's just the people around that makes u different. I wish Karmun, Gerri and all are in my class. Then class will be like fuyoyo, so fun with me around. LOL.

That's how I get by in school, I want the weekends now baybeh !


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